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Andy Madura's Comics & Paper Collectibles

Andrew Madura, 1265 Fran Mar Ct, Clermont, FL 34711

e-mail: am@Oldsundaycomics.com

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Item 0296 Title Date-#-size* Condition* Price Notes (219)
0901-0198 Abie the Agent 1936 - 2T G-VG/G/VG $2.00 by Harry Hershfield, w/Play Money, On reverse Laff it Off(2T, 3HT) (11/15, 12/27))
0901-0002 Abie the Agent 1937 - 6T G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Harry Hershfield, w/Play Money, On reverse Laff it Off(2T, 3HT) (1/24, 3/28, 6/6, 6/27, 8/22, 9/5)
0901-0003 Abie the Agent 1939/02/05 - T G/G/VG $1.00 by Harry Hershfield, On reverse Tea ad(T)
0901-0004 Adam's Troubles 1903/09/06 - F G/FR-G/VG $6.00 Half on Full by HC Greening w/Willie Cute(H), On reverse BW Foxy Mice by Rigby(H), Willie(H)
0901-0006 Adam's Troubles 1903/09/20 - F BWR G/FR-G/VG $5.00 Half on Full by HC Greening w/BWR Hi and Si(H), On reverse The New School Trustee gives the children the day off(F)
0901-0009 Adam's Troubles 1903/10/11 - F G/FR-G/VG $6.00 Half on Full by HC Greening w/Willie Cute(H), On reverse BWB Mr. Honeymoon(H), Gazazboo Ike(H)
0901-0010 Adam's Troubles 1903/10/18 - F G/FR-G/VG $6.00 Half on Full by HC Greening w/Little Abe(H), On reverse BWB Foxy Mice by Rigby(H), The Goats(H)
0901-0012 Addams, by Bob 1903/08/23 - H G/G/G $12.00 "In the Jungle Society Swim", No reverse
0901-0013 Admiral King 1944/11/18 - H G/G/VG $3.00 "Invites you to the "Pacific Theater" by Richard Fletcher, No reverse
0901-0201 Agatha Crumm 1977-81 - 4TH, 1Q, 1SX G/G/VG $1.75 by Bill Hoest, On reverse They'll do it Every Time(4TH)  (1977:12/11, 12/18 1978:2/5, 3/19 1979:5/20  1981:8/23)
0901-0015 Aggie Mack 1947 - 29TH G-VG/G/VG $14.50 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Gasoline Alley(2TH), Texas Slim(4TH), Harold Teen(1TH), Moon Mullins(2TH), Gumps(1TH), Winnie Winkle(1TH), Little Joe(1TH) (2/23, 3/2, 3/16, 3/23, 4/6-5/11, 6/1, 7/13, 7/27-8/10, 8/24, 9/14, 9/21, 10/5-10/26, 11/9-12/14, 12/28)
0901-0016 Aggie Mack 1948 - 13TH G-VG/G/VG $6.60 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Gasoline Alley(1TH), Ripples(1TH), Ned Handy(1TH), Moon Mullins(1TH), Winnie Winkle(1TH) (1/4-3/7, 6/6, 8/22, 11/21)
0901-0017 Aggie Mack 1949 - 9TH, 1HT G-VG/G/VG $5.00 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Harold Teen(1TH, 1HT),  Ferd'nand(1TH) (2/20, 2/27, 3/27, 7/17, 8/7, 8/21, 8/28, 9/11, 11/13, 11/20)
0901-0018 Aggie Mack 1950 - 2TH, 1HT VG/VG/VG $1.50 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Smitty(1TH),  Ferd'nand(1TH) (2/26, 2-undated)
0901-0019 Aggie Mack 1951 - 6TH G-VG/G/VG $2.00 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Moon Mullins(1TH), Winnie Winkle(1TH)  Dawn O'Day(1TH), Mostly Malarky(1TH) (1/7, 1/14, 2/25, 9/30, +2)
0901-0020 Aggie Mack 1952 - 1TH, 1HT G/G/G $1.00 by Hal Rasmusson, No reverse(10/5, 12/21)
0901-0021 Aggie Mack 1953 - 3TH G/G/VG $1.00 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Funland(1TH)(4/5, 8/2, 8/9)
0901-0022 Aggie Mack 1954 - 2TH G/G/G $1.00 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Ferd'nand(1TH)(undated)
0901-0023 Aggie Mack 1955 - 1TH, 2HT G/G/G $1.00 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Timmy(1TH), Smitty(1HT) (1/23, 2/6, 2/27)
0901-0024 Aggie Mack 1956 - 4TH G/G/G $1.50 by Hal Rasmusson, No reverse (7/1, 12/9, +2)
0901-0025 Aggie Mack 1958 - 3TH G/G/G $1.00 by Hal Rasmusson, No reverse (7/6, 7/20, 8/17)
0901-0176 Aggie Mack 1959 - 2TH G/G/G $1.00 by Hal Rasmusson, No reverse (3/8, 6/7)
0901-0026 Aggie Mack 1960 - 2TH, 6HT G/G/G $2.75 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Smitty(1HT) (1/24, 4/3, 10/9-10/23, 11/6, 12/18, 12/25)
0901-0027 Aggie Mack 1961 - 1TH, 9HT G/G/G $3.50 by Hal Rasmusson, On reverse Little Joe(2HT), Bumper to Bumper(1HT) (1/1, 1/8, 1/22, 2/12, 2/26, 3/5, 4/23, 4/30, 5/21, 9/17)
0901-0028 Aggie Mack 1962-68 - 6TH, 16HT G/G/G $7.00 by Rory Fox, On reverse Hapless Harry(2HT), Mickey Finn(1HT), Flibbertys(1HT), Little Joe(2HT), Bumper to Bumper(1HT) (1962:4/1, 4/22, 5/20, 6/17, 6/24, 9/9, 10/28, 11/4 1963:6/9-6/23 1964:3/1 5/31, 10/25 1965: 5/8 1966:5/1, 5/8 1967:1/29, 3/19 1968:1/28, 2/18, 5/19)
0901-0112 Aladdin Jr 1942/01/18 - F G-VG/G/VG $10.00 #3, by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Oxydol ad(TH), on reverse Skippy(H), Lifebuoy ad(H)
0901-0113 Aladdin Jr 1942/01/25 - F G-VG/G/VG $8.00 #4, by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Oxydol ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0114 Aladdin Jr 1942/02/01 - F G-VG/G/VG $8.00 #5, by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Nestles ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0116 Aladdin Jr 1942/02/15 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Nestles ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0117 Aladdin Jr 1942/02/22 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Oxydol ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0118 Aladdin Jr 1942/03/01 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Gillette ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0119 Aladdin Jr 1942/03/08 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Oxydol ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0120 Aladdin Jr 1942/03/15 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Royal Gelatin ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0121 Aladdin Jr 1942/03/22 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/GE Mazda Lamps ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0122 Aladdin Jr 1942/04/05 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds Cream ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Little Annie Rooney(H)
0901-0124 Aladdin Jr 1942/04/19 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Oxydol ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Little Annie Rooney(H)
0901-0155 Aladdin Jr 1942/04/26 - F G-VG/G/VG $10.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, w/Simple Tricks of Magic(TH), on reverse Little Joe(H), Smilin' Jack(H)
0901-0125 Aladdin Jr 1942/04/26 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Blue-Jay Footcare Products ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Little Annie Rooney(H)
0901-0126 Aladdin Jr 1942/05/03 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Oxydol ad(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Little Annie Rooney(H)
0901-0127 Aladdin Jr 1942/05/10 - F G-VG/G/VG $10.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, w/Secrets of Magic(TH), on reverse The Phantom(H), Little Annie Rooney(H)
0901-0029 Aladdin Jr 1942/05/17 - F G/G/G-VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Oxydol ad(TH), on reverse Prince Valiant(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0030 Aladdin Jr 1942/05/31 - F G/G/G-VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Cheerioats ad(TH), on reverse Prince Valiant(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0156 Aladdin Jr 1942/07/05 - F G-VG/G/VG $10.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, w/Simple Tricks of Magic(TH), on reverse Little Joe(H), Smilin' Jack(H)
0901-0157 Aladdin Jr 1942/07/12 - F G-VG/G/VG $10.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, w/Simple Tricks of Magic(TH), on reverse Little Joe(H), Smilin' Jack(H)
0901-0158 Aladdin Jr 1942/07/19 - F G-VG/G/VG $10.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, w/Simple Tricks of Magic(TH), on reverse Little Joe(H), Smilin' Jack(H)
0901-0031 Aladdin Jr 1942/08/02 - F G/G/VG $10.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, w/Simple Tricks of Magic, on reverse Little Joe(H), Smilin' Jack(H)
0901-0135 Aladdin Jr 1942/08/16 - F G-VG/G/VG $10.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, w/Secrets of Magic(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0136 Aladdin Jr 1942/08/23 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Cheerioats ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0137 Aladdin Jr 1942/08/30 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Colgate ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0139 Aladdin Jr 1942/09/13 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds Cream ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0032 Aladdin Jr 1942/10/04 - F G/G/G-VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds ad(TH), on reverse Smokey Stover(H), Teenie Weenies(H)
0901-0033 Aladdin Jr 1942/10/11 - F FR-G/FR-G/G $4.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0141 Aladdin Jr 1942/10/11 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds Cream ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0142 Aladdin Jr 1942/10/18 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds Cream ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Family Portraits(H)
0901-0143 Aladdin Jr 1942/10/25 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds Cream ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0144 Aladdin Jr 1942/11/01 - F G-VG/G/VG $6.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, TT on Full w/Ponds Cream ad(TH), on reverse Donald Duck(H), Room & Board(H)
0901-0034 Aladdin Jr 1943 - 3TH G/FR-G/G-VG $5.00 by Wm Meade Prince & Les Forgrave, On reverse Ripley's Believe it or not(1H), Henry(1TH) (5/9, 5/16, 6/20)
0901-0035 Alexander Smart 1936 - 2H G/G/G $1.00 by Doc Winner, no reverse (4/9, 9/6)
0901-0037 Alice in Wonderland 1934/11/11 - T VG/VG/VG $12.00 by Olive Ray Scott & Ed Kuekes, on reverse Buster Beans by Robert Dickey
0901-0038 Alice in Wonderland 1934/11/25 - T VG/VG/VG $12.00 by Olive Ray Scott & Ed Kuekes, on reverse Buster Beans by Robert Dickey
0901-0039 Alice in Wonderland 1934/12/16 - T VG/VG/VG $12.00 by Olive Ray Scott & Ed Kuekes, on reverse Looy Dot Dope(HT), Col. Wowstep(HT)
0901-0202 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/09/02 - TH G/G/VG $8.00 On reverse Roy Rogers(TH)
0901-0203 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/09/16 - TH VG/VG/VG $8.00 No reverse
0901-0204 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/09/23 - TH VG/VG/VG $8.00 No reverse
0901-0205 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/09/30 - TH VG/VG/VG $8.00 No reverse
0901-0206 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/10/07 - TH VG/VG/VG $8.00 On reverse LIttle Iodine(TH)
0901-0207 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/10/14 - TH VG/VG/VG $8.00 On reverse Little Iodine(TH)
0901-0208 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/10/28 - TH VG/G/VG $8.00 No reverse
0901-0219 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/11/04 - TH G-VG/G-VG/VG $8.00 On reverse Colonel Potterby(TH)
0901-0209 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/11/18 - TH G-VG/G-VG/VG $8.00 No reverse
0901-0210 Alice in Wonderland (Disney's) 1951/12/16 - TH VG/VG/VG $8.00 On reverse Steve Canyon(TH)
0901-0043 Always Belittlin' 1932-37 - 8TH G/G/G $8.00 by Percy Crosby, No reverse (1932:7/31 1935:6/23, 8/11 1936:5/10 1937:9/19, 10/3, 12/5, 12/12)
0901-0177 Amazing Spider-man 1979 - 2H, 43TH, 7Q G/G/G $54.00 by Stan Lee & John Romita Full Year
0901-0178 Amazing Spider-man 1980 - 1H, 45TH, 6Q G/G/G $53.00 by Stan Lee, John Romita, and Larry Lieber Full Year
0901-0179 Amazing Spider-man 1981 - 1H, 27TH, 17Q G/G/G $45.00 by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber (1/4-11/8)
0901-0180 Amazing Spider-man 1982 - 4TH, 48Q G/G/G $52.00 by Stan Lee, Fred Kida Full Year
0901-0181 Amazing Spider-man 1983 - 3TH, 49Q G/G/G $52.00 by Stan Lee, Fred Kida & Floro Dery Full Year
0901-0182 Amazing Spider-man 1984 - 50Q G/G/G $50.00 by Stan Lee, Floro Dery (1/1-6/24, 7/8-10/14, 10/28-11/25, 12/9-12/30)
0901-0183 Amazing Spider-man 1985 - 2TH, 47Q G/G/G $49.00 by Stan Lee, Floro Dery (1/6-1/20, 2/3-3/24, 4/7-7/21, 8/4-12/29))
0901-0185 Amazing Spider-man 1986 - 1TH, 51Q G/G/G $52.00 by Stan Lee, Floro Dery Full Year
0901-0187 Amazing Spider-man 1987 - 5Q G/G/G $5.00 by Stan Lee, Floro Dery (1/4-2/1)
0901-0044 American Adventure 1949 - 2TH, 1Q G/G/G $5.00 by Bradford Smith & Dan Heilman, No reverse (6/26, 8/14, 8/28)
0901-0045 And so they were married 1935-37 - 3TH G/G/G $1.50 by Cliff Sterrett, No reverse (1935:1/13, 2/10, 1937:2/28)
0901-0188 Andy Capp 1965 - 7TH FR-G/FR-G/G $1.75 by Reg Smythe, On reverse Apr 3-G(2TH) (1/31, 2/21, 4/25, 5/2, 6/6, 6/20, 7/11)
0901-0162 Andy Capp 1966 - 12HT G/G/G $3.00 by Reg Smythe, No rerse (8/14, 8/21, 9/18, 10/9-11/6, 12/4-12/25)
0901-0163 Andy Capp 1967 - 38HT G/G/G $12.75 by Reg Smythe, No reverse (1/1-1/29, 2/12-3/12, 4/2, 4/9, 5/7, 5/14, 6/18, 6/25, 7/9, 7/23-12/10)
0901-0046 Andy Capp 1967-77 - 24TH, 1Q G/G/G $8.00 by Reg Smythe, On reverse Dunagin's People(1TH), Rex Morgan(1Q)
0901-0047 Andy Capp 1968/12/08 - F G/G/VG $8.00 Comics Gallery Poster by Reg Smythe, On reverse Andy Capp(TH), Dondi(TH), Wrigley's ad(TH)
0901-0164 Andy Capp 1968 - 29HT G/G/G $9.75 by Reg Smythe, No reverse (1/7-1/21, 2/11, 2/18, 3/3-4/7, 5/5-5/26, 6/16-6/30, 7/21, 7/28, 8/25, 9/8, 9/15, 9/29, 10/13, 11/10-11/24, 12/22)
0901-0165 Andy Capp 1969 - 16HT G/G/G $5.50 by Reg Smythe, No reverse (2/2, 2/23, 3/23-4/6, 4/20, 4/27, 5/11, 7/27, 8/24, 8/31, 10/12, 11/2, 11/23, 12/21, 12/28)
0901-0166 Andy Capp 1970 - 15HT G/G/G $5.00 by Reg Smythe, No reverse (1/4-3/1, 3/29, 4/12, 4/19, 5/17-5/31)
0901-0167 Andy Capp 1971 - 2HT G/G/G $1.00 by Reg Smythe, No reverse (1/31, 2/14)
0901-0189 Andy Capp 1982 - 1TH G/G/G $1.00 by Reg Smythe, On reverse Dennis the Menace(1Q) (3/14)
0901-0048 Animal Crackers 1972/11/17 - HT G/G/G $2.00 by Rog Bollen, No reverse
0901-0211 Annibelle 1938-39 - 2H, 1HT G/FR-G/G $5.00 by Virginia Krausmann, On reverse Li'l Abner by Al Capp (1938:7/17, 1939:6/18, 8/27)
0901-0212 Apartment 3-G 1961 - 2TH G/G/VG $5.00 1st year - by Alex Kotzky, On reverse Captain Easy(1TH) (7/16, 12/10)
0901-0213 Apartment 3-G 1962 - 6TH G/G/VG $6.00 by Alex Kotzky, On reverse Captain Easy(5TH), Beetle Bailey(1TH) (3/4, 7/29, 8/26, 9/23, 10/7, 12/23)
0901-0214 Apartment 3-G 1963 - 14TH G/G/VG $14.00 by Alex Kotzky, On reverse Captain Easy(11TH), Blondie(1H), There Oughta be a law(1TH), Little Iodine(1TH) (1/13, 4/7, 6/9-6/30, 7/.21-8/4, 8/18, 8/25, 9/29, 11/24, 12/29)
0901-0215 Apartment 3-G 1964  - 2H, 9TH, 1HT G/FR-G/G $8.00 by Alex Kotzky, On reverse Ferd'nand(1H, 1TH), On stage(1TH), Gasoline Alley(1TH), Smilin' Jack(1HT), Jackson Twins(1TH), Grin and Bear it(1TH), Judge Parker(1TH), Freddy(1TH), Hi and Lois(1TH)(1/5, 1/19, 1/26, 2/9, 3/1, 4/19, 4/26, 5/10-5/24, 11/1, 11/8)
0901-0216 Apartment 3-G 1965-73 - 1H, 16TH G-VG/G/VG $11.00 by Alex Kotzky, On reverse Steve Roper(1TH), Judge Parker(5TH), Li'l Abner(1TH) (1965:6/13 1967:7/2, 8/27, 11/26 1968:2/11, 6/2-6/30, 11/17 1969:3/23, 8/17, 9/14, 12/7 1970:1/4 1973:9/9)
0901-0050 Army Antics 1941 - 9H G/VG/G $9.00 by Phil Hustis, On reverse Ella Cinders(9H) (10/5, 10/12, 10/26-11/16, 12/14-12/28)
0901-0051 Army Antics 1942 - 3H G/VG/G $3.00 by Phil Hustis, On reverse Nebbs(1H), Bungle Family(1H) (3/1, 7/12, 11/29)
0901-0052 Arno, by Peter 1933/08/20 - F FR/FR-P/G $1.00 by Peter Arno, 'The Whoops Sisters', No reverse
0901-0053 Arthur et Coupillon 1953/10/04 - T G/G/VG $1.00 in french, no reverse
0901-0168 Awful Result of Having Too Much Curiosity 1902/08/10 - H FR-G/FR-G/G $4.00 by unknown, no reverse
0901-0054 Ba-Ba 1908 - 1H (BW) FR-G/FR-G/G $2.00 No Reverse
0901-0055 Babbling Brooks 1930/11/09 - SX G/G/G $1.00 by Milt Gross, No reverse
0901-0058 Bambi 1942/10/04 - H G/G/G $30.00 by Felix Salten & Walt Disney Studios, no reverse
0901-0059 Bantam Prince 1953/12/13 - H G/G/G $2.00 by Lariar & Pfeufer, On reverse Mark Trail(H)
0901-0061 Baseball Cards Biographies 1949/06/12 - T FR-G/FR/G $12.00 by Don Donaghey, Featuring Taft Wright, Robin Roberts, Charley Harris, Eddie Miller, Joe Coleman, Monk Meyer, on reverse Mirthquakes by Bil Keane
0901-0199 Bat Masterson 1960/01/17 - TH G/FR-G/G $4.00 by Ed Herron & Howard Norstrand, On reverse Buck Rogers by George Tuska(TH)
0901-0200 Bat Masterson 1960/01/24 - TH G/G/VG $5.00 by Ed Herron & Howard Norstrand, On reverse Buck Rogers by George Tuska(TH)
0901-0063 Bats in the Belfry 1935/12/15 - F G/G/VG $3.00 by Frank Beaven, On reverse Nebbs(H), Camel ad featuring Santa Claus(H)
0901-0064 Bats in the Belfry 1936/01 - 2F G/G/VG $6.00 by Frank Beaven, On reverse Tillie the Toiler(1TT), Timid Soul(1H) (1/5, 1/19)
0901-0065 Bats in the Belfry 1936/05/31 - F FR/FR/G $1.00 by Frank Beaven, On reverse Bungle Family by HJ Tuthill
0901-0067 B.C. 1959-88 - 2T, 3H, 16TH, 1Q G/G/G $10.00 by Johnny Hart, On reverse Steve Roper(1TH), Mickey Finn(1TH)(1959:1/18 1961:1/8 1962:1/28 1964:1/19, 11/8 1965:10/3, 10/10 1966:3/27, 10/16, 10/30, 12/11 1967:2/5, 2/19, 4/9, 6/18, 11/27 1968:10/13 1969:2/16 1970:8/23, 12/13 1982: 3/14 1988:11/27)
0901-0068 Bear Creek Folks 1913/01/12 - H FR/FR/FR-G $2.00 by unsigned, on reverse Jimmie the Messenger(H)
0901-0069 Belles and Wedding Bells 1931-37 - 7TH, 5Q G/G/G $6.00 by Cliff Sterrett, No reverse (1931:1/25, 2/8-2/22, 5/31, 11/8 1934:1/28, 2/25, 3/11, 4/1 1936:12/20 1937:2/14)
0901-0070 Ben Casey 1965/10 - 3TH G-VG/G-VG/VG $18.00 by Neal Adams, No reverse (10/3, 10/10, 10/24)
0901-0071 Benny 1936-37 - 1T, 1H FR-G/FR/G $1.00 by J Carver Pusey, On reverse Ella Cinders(T), Bromo Seltzer ad(H) (1936:3/01 1937:2/14)
0901-0072 Ben Webster 1934 - 10F (4 are BW) G/G/G $16.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, On reverse RW Nebbs(4H), RW Keeping Up with the Joneses(4H), Mr. & Mrs(2F), BWO Highlights of History(1F), Smythes(1F), Somebody's Stenog(1F), Toonerville Folks(1H) (2/25, 3/11, 3/25, 6/10, 7/16, 7/30, 9/2, 10/7, 10/28, 11/11)
0901-0073 Ben Webster 1935 - 3F G/G/G $6.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, 1F is TT on Full w/Ralston ad(Q), On reverse Apple Mary(1F), Reg'lar Fellers(1H) (3/10, 3/17, 12/1)
0901-0169 Ben Webster 1935/02/24 - T G/G/G $2.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, On reverse Keeping up with the Joneses by Pop Momand
0901-0074 Ben Webster 1936 - 7F (3F are BW) G/G/G $11.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, On reverse RW Nebbs(3H), RW Simp O'Dill(3H), Joe Jinks(1H), Ella Cinders(1H), Bungle Family(1F) (1/12, 5/24, 5/31, 7/19, 8/30, 11/1, 11/29)
0901-0075 Ben Webster 1937 - 10F (9F are BW) G/G/G $11.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, On reverse Jane Arden(1H), Off The Record(1H), BW Timid Soul(9F) (5/2-6/27, H9)
0901-0076 Ben Webster 1938 - 3H FR-G/FR-G/G $3.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, On Reverse Mr. & Mrs.(1H), Off the Record(1H) (K-12, L-11, N-13)
0901-0077 Ben Webster 1939 - 3H VG/VG/G $3.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, No reverse (P-3, Q-10, R-1)
0901-0078 Ben Webster 1940 - 4H G/G/G $4.00 by Jay Jerome Williams, On reverse Nebbs(1H) (T-7, W-2, W-7, W-9)
0901-0079 Berrys, The 1945-67 - 8T, 5H, 28TH, 1Q, 7HT G/FR-G/G $19.50 by Carl Grubert, On reverse Abbie an' Slats(2TH), Little Iodine(1TH), Grandma(1TH), Emmy Lou(1TH)
0901-0080 Berry's World 1966-74 - 3Q G/G/VG $1.00 by Jim Berry, No reverse
0901-0081 Bertha 1926 - 1SX G/G/VG $1.00 by Rube Goldberg(4/4)
0901-0082 Betsy Bouncer 1904 - 3H BW FR/FR-P/G $6.00 by Tom Tucker, On reverse BW Wonderland Folks(1Q) (10/16, 10/23 +1)
0901-0083 Better Half, The 1964-70 - 4TH, 4Q G/G/G $2.00 by Bob Barnes, No reverse
0901-0191 Bible Stories 1968/01/07 - H G/FR-G/G $3.00 'Cain kills his brother Abel', On reverse Wizard of ID(TH)
0901-0192 Bible Stories 1968/01/28 - H G/G/G $3.00 'Mount Ararat' On reverse Li'l Abner(TH)
0901-0193 Bible Stories 1968/02/18 - H G/G/G $3.00 'Abram in the Land of Canaan' On reverse Wizard of ID(TH)
0901-0084 Bibs 'n' Tucker 1955-56 - 4HT G/G/G $2.00 by Henri Arnold, No reverse (1955:2/6, 5/15, 5/22 1956:1/9)
0901-0085 Biff Baker 1942 - 2T, 1H G/G/G $9.00 by Henry Schlensker, On reverse Army Antics(1H, 2HT), Brenda Breeze(2HT) (6/7, 6/14, 9/27)
0901-0086 Biff Baker 1943 - 2H G/G/G $6.00 by Henry Schlensker, No reverse (7/4, 7/25)
0901-0088 Big Ben Bolt 1955 - 9TH G/FR-G/G $9.00 by John Cullen Murphy, On reverse Heart of Juliet Jones(1TH), Donald Duck(1TH), Ripley's Believe it or not(1TH), (1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 3/27, 4/10, 6/5, 6/12, 6/26, 7/17)
0901-0089 Big Ben Bolt 1956 - 1H, 3TH FR-G/FR-G/G $5.00 by John Cullen Murphy, On reverse Beetle Bailey(1TH) (2/12, 9/9, 9/23, 12/30)
0901-0194 Big Ben Bolt 1957 - 2TH G/G/G $2.00 by John Cullen Murphy, On reverse Thimble Theatre(1TH) (1/6, 10/13)
0901-0170 Big Ben Bolt 1958 - 2TH G/G/G $2.00 by John Cullen Murphy, No reverse (11/2, 11/9)
0901-0217 Big Ben Bolt 1959 - 1TH G/G/VG $1.00 by John Cullen Murphy, On reverse Scamp(1TH) (12/13)
0901-0090 Big Ben Bolt 1960 - 4TH FR-G/FR-G/G $4.00 by John Cullen Murphy, No reverse(4/17, 5/1, 9/18, 12/4)
0901-0091 Big Ben Bolt 1962 - 5TH FR-G/FR-G/G $5.00 by John Cullen Murphy, No reverse (1/7-2/4)
0901-0092 Big Ben Bolt 1963 - 4TH FR-G/FR-G/G $4.00 by John Cullen Murphy, On reverse Little King(1TH), Barney Google(1TH), Scamp(1TH) (9/1, 11/10, 12/1, 12/29)
0901-0093 Big Ben Bolt 1964 - 3Q G/G/G $3.00 by John Cullen Murphy, No reverse (4/12, 10/25, 11/1)
0901-0094 Big Ben Bolt 1969 - 1Q VG/VG/VG $1.00 by John Cullen Murphy, No reverse (1/5)
0901-0095 Big Difference 1964 - 1TH G/G/G $1.00 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Butternut Coffee ad(1H)
0901-0096 Big Funny 2009 - F G/G/G $5.00 48-Page Newsprint Magazine of Comics
0901-0218 Big George 1961/06/04 - H FR-G/FR-G/VG $2.00 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Our Bill by Harry Haenigsen(H)
0901-0195 Big George 1964 - 14TH G/G/G $14.00 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Judge Parker(2TH)(1/19, 1/26, 2/16, 4/5, 4/19, 5/17-5/31, 7/5,. 7/12, 7/26, 9/6, 9/20, 10/4)
0901-0196 Big George 1965 - 2TH G/G/G $2.00 by Virgil Partch, No reverse (5/2, 6/20)
0901-0097 Big George 1966 - 25T G/G/G-VG $37.50 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Little Iodine(12HT), Mickey Mouse(11HT), Better Half (1HT), Peanuts(12HT), Andy Capp(12HT) (1/2, 5/8, 5/22-7/31, 8/14, 8/21, 9/18, 10/9-11/6, 12/4-12/25)
0901-0171 Big George 1967 - 38T G/G/G-VG $57.00 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Little Iodine(38HT), Mickey Mouse(38HT) (1/1-1/29, 2/12-3/12, 4/2, 4/9, 5/7, 5/14, 6/18, 6/26, 7/9, 7/23-12/10)
0901-0172 Big George 1968 - 29T G/G/G-VG $43.50 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Little Iodine(29HT), Mickey Mouse(29HT) (1/7-1/21, 2/11, 2/18, 3/3-4/7, 5/5-5/26, 6/16-6/30, 7/28, 8/25, 9/8-9/29, 10/13, 11/10-11/24, 12/22)
0901-0197 Big George 1968 - 2TH G/FR-G/G $2.00 by Virgil Partch, On reverse On Stage(1TH) (1/28, 2/18)
0901-0173 Big George 1969 - 17T G/G/G-VG $25.50 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Little Iodine(17HT), Mickey Mouse(17HT) (2/2, 2/23, 3/23-4/6, 4/20, 4/27, 5/11, 6/1, 7/27, 8/24, 8/31, 10/12, 11/2, 11/23, 12/21, 12/28)
0901-0174 Big George 1970 - 18T G/G/G-VG $27.00 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Little Iodine(18HT), Mickey Mouse(18HT) (1/4-3/8, 3/29, 4/12, 4/19, 5/17-5/31, 7/12, 8/2)
0901-0175 Big George 1971 - 2T G/G/G-VG $3.00 by Virgil Partch, On reverse Little Iodine(32HT), Mickey Mouse(2HT) (1/31, 2/14)
0901-0098 Big Sister 1935 - 6T FR-G/FR-G/G $6.00 by Les Forgrave, On reverse Elmer(1T) (2/16, 3/2, 3/16, 3/30, 4/27, 5/11)
0901-0099 Big Sister 1936 - 1T G-VG/G/VG $2.00 by Les Forgrave, w/Play Money(3), On reverse Gags & Gals by Jefferson Machamer w/Play Money(3) (7/19)
0901-0100 Bill 1932-34 - 5TH G/G/G $7.50 by Rube Goldberg, No reverse (1932:3/20, 6/19, 8/7, 9/25, 1934:7/22)
0901-0106 Billy Make Believe 1934 - 4T VG/VG/VG $16.00 by He Homan, On reverse Buster Beans(1T), Looy Dot Dope w/Col Wowser(3T) (9/9, 11/11, 11/25, 12/16)
0901-0107 Billy Make Believe 1934 - 4T FR/FR/G $4.00 by He Homan, On reverse Little Mary Mixup(4T) (9/9, 9/16, 9/30, 10/7)
0901-0108 Billy Make Believe 1935 - 3T G-VG/G/VG $12.00 by He Homan, On reverse Little Mary Mixup w/All in the Family(1T), Looy Dot Dope w/Col Wowser(1T) (3/24, 3/31, 6/9)
0901-0109 Billy Make Believe 1935 - 3T FR/FR/G $3.00 by He Homan, On reverse Mutt & Jeff(3T) (6/9, 6/30, 7/21)

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